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The CCAC Conference is Back!

Writer's picture: Jamie DunnJamie Dunn

Claude and I just got back from the City Clerks Association of California (CCAC) conference, and it was really great to see everyone in-person and make new friends!

This year the conference theme was Renew, Rebuild and Recreate. Interestingly, the conversations we had with attendees reminded us of a few other ‘R’ words—all transformative:

  • Reorganize. As in “reorganize your folder structure.” Just last week, we were on a call with a prospect discussing how important it is to get your structure correct. To quote Laserfiche, “ The folder structure is a methodology that an organization uses to establish how documents are stored in the repositories.” Everything in Laserfiche comes down to folder structure and metadata. So it’s vital to get both right. Why? Well, fast, efficient search for one reason and security for the second.

  • Records Management- The big topic at the conference was (as it should be) records management. Post-COVID, we’re seeing many agencies updating their records retention. Some are putting in Trusted Systems, and others are automating RM with Laserfiche Workflow.

  • ROI- Some agencies don’t calculate a formal ROI for their Laserfiche system; however, some do. Overall, we see more of an ROI mindset. For example, those using Laserfiche as a digital filing cabinet are (thru networking with other agencies and working with CPS) realizing that using workflow to drive processes, push and pull data from other systems, and assign templates is tremendously valuable. Any industry analyst will tell you that the value of ECM comes from workflow tools.

  • Rethink- We’re all so busy these days, but it’s good to take a step back now and again and think about your workflow processes. Are there still bottlenecks? Could you increase efficiency by adding a form or two? If you automate PRRs, will that free your staff for more strategic duties? Also, you will be surprised at how many agencies don’t have a three-year plan for their Laserfiche. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” We’re here if you want an LF Partner to bounce ideas with!

  • Reinvest- Considering reinvestment in your Laserfiche System might be necessary. And this may not mean buying new products by feasibly moving to the cloud or assigning a staff member to get a deeper understanding of workflow. And while you are considering more training, you may want to upgrade to VIP, spend some time training with CPS, and request a sys check to help determine where your Laserfiche system can be made more efficient.

  • React- COVID has taught us that we have to be ready and agile enough to change citizen communications and services. Agencies were able to support WFH and transform counter services into self-service web portals. This level of agility is undoubtedly helpful when planning for DR, also.

Now that we’re back, we intend to apply what we learned at the conference to our offerings to make them even better!


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